Thursday, June 30, 2011

Medical Transcription Work From Home | Getting down and dirty

Getting down as good as dirty
HYDE CREEK – Local ballclub downs Port McNeill in North Vancouver Island Baseball League play

“Life in Transition” Case
medical transcription work from home

Image by Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library
Shown here is a sketch from a "Unlocking a Diary" vaunt ,on arrangement from Dec 3, 2010-March 31, 2011 in a third building rotunda art studio inside Swem Library during a College of William as good as Mary.

The diaries in a vaunt camber a 19th as good as 20th centuries, as good as a contention of a diary brings us in to a benefaction day. Our initial case, "What Counts?," introduces we to a operation of forms as good as styles of a diary. "Life in Transition," a second case, demonstrates how a diary has been used via a hold up cycle by both women as good as men. "Through Their Eyes: Diarists in Virginia" looks privately during diaries created by 19th-century Virginia women as good as a final case, "DiaTribe," facilities diaries created by William & Mary students, from a initial years of womanlike a series enrolled during a College to a benefaction day.

This vaunt was curated by students in Prof. Jennifer Putzi's "Gender as good as a American Diary" category (WMST 490/ENGL 475) as good as a Special Collections Research Center staff. All of a diaries as good as artifacts featured in a vaunt have been from a SCRC collections. Student Curators: Kaitlyn Adkins, Greg Benson, Kimberly Clark, Caitlin Finchum, Greg Glazier, Katelin Hill, Shaunna Jardines, Katherine Perkins, Cassie Adair, Ryan Morris, Kali Murphy, Taysha Pye, Sta'sean Ridley, Casey Sears, as good as Errin Tom; Exhibit pattern as good as installation: Chandi Singer, Burger Archives Assistant.

"Life in Transition" Case

Detailing a lives of a conflicting organisation of people distant by time, place, age, as good as even gender, a diaries in this box plunge in to multiform conflicting issues. What connects them have been a ways in which any diary captures a stages of life. By definition, passing from a single to an additional equates to to pass from a single state or place to another. Beginning with a diaries of dual teenage girls as good as finale with a diary of a male opposed death, these diaries camber a dual spectra of life's journey.

Wedding Announcement of Violet Laughead as good as Joseph Percy Barnett, 1913.
Between 1931 as good as her genocide in 1972, Violet Barnett kept a successive set of diaries, most of which centered around her hold up as a mother, wife, as good as homemaker. The 1967, a year her father Percy died, as good as 1968 diaries have been a usually years blank from her writings in a Special Collections Research Center.

Map of West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1948.
This area map creates up partial of a seat store announcement which Violet Barnett saved in her diary. As Violet lived in West Chester, Pennsylvania for her complete adult life, her internal village is an constituent partial of her diary-keeping.

Violet Barnett Diary Transcription, Mar 4, 1972

Ethel down in eve. she done bed up uninformed & incited Blanket upon to comfortable bed, we got in cylinder & she cleared my behind good, burnished my legs & layed upon fr. [front] couch. We watched (All in a family), lots of laughs. Bobby keeps her worried, don't know what to design next. She called after removing home.

Violet Barnett Diary, Apr 22, 1972.
When she was 81 years old, Violet Barnett suffered a cadence in her home. While her son Earl took caring of her during a final 4 days of her life, he done diary entries which mimicked his mother's particular style, even to a border of regulating identical blue ink. He additionally trustworthy his mother's necrology in to her own diary, to illustrate giving a book a singular clarity of closure.

Violet Barnett Diary, Front Page, 1948-1949.
Violet Barnett infrequently used preprinted five-year diaries, though frequency took 5 years to fill them. This 5 year diary contains content for usually dual years. Note a approach Violet Barnett enclosed her name as good as personal report upon a inside cover. She did this in each diary she kept, even when she could no longer simply leave a house.

Pearl Warner Diary, 1914.
Pearl Warner's diary spans scarcely a complete year of 1914, deliberating a far-reaching accumulation of topics together with church activities, academics, travel, outings with friends, as good as propagandize dances. Her diary, which she began during age 15, shows a little of a standard activities of an American teen in a early 20th century.

Dance Cards, Early 20th Century.
Dance cards originated in a 18th century as a approach for women to keep lane of a organisation which they danced with during a grave ball. They were renouned until after World War I, as good as dance cards such as these would be most identical to those used by Pearl as good as her friends during dances identical to a Junior Ball.

Pearl Warner Diary Transcription

May 4, 1914. Mon.
Warm. This A.M. Milton Teed asked me to go with him to a Junior Ball. we don't instruct to, during all, though we told him we would. Ruby & Mama suspicion it would be horrible if we didn't go.

May 5, 1914. Tues.
Ruby is starting to a Junior Ball with Fred Wheat. we instruct we wasn't going.

May 6, 1914. Wed.
Amy is starting to a Junior Ball with Elmer Morse. we am extremely blissful she is going.

May 7, 1914. Thurs
The Jun. Ball is to-morrow night & we still don't caring anything about going. we had a possibility to wait for upon Table. There have been not sufficient Juniors, though what have dates, so they have been asking a Sophs.

May 9, 1914. Sat.
Warm. Grandma is staying here to-night.
Well, we went final night __ as good as am alive. we had a improved time than we expected, nonetheless we have had better. Amy & Elmer, Gladys K. & George A., came down here, & afterwards all 8 of us went to-gether. They had a gymnasium embellished extremely cute. Everywhere a walls were utterly lonesome with banners. They had orange & white crepe paper strung from a lights, & a stoves were lonesome with crepe paper, & upon a single wall in large paper letters, "Juniors", upon a conflicting wall "M.H.S.", & upon a single side "1915". They additionally had evergreens banked up around a stage. It positively looked swell. The Jones girls served punch in a single corner, & underneath a patio upon a single side ice thick cream & baked sweat bread were served. On a alternative side, underneath a patio was a friendly corner. There were not as most there as we suspicion there would be. There were usually sufficient to be nice. Just a fine crowd. Toward a final they danced a ultimate dance, called a "Horse Trot". It is a funniest thing – usually hippity bound around a hall. Just identical to kids skip, along a street. And Miss Wade did it! She & Miss Shoemaker to-gether. It's a lot fun. It tires a single out, though afterwards – a good fun.

Joseph J. Casale, Jr. Diary, 1997.
Written in a summer of 1997, Casale's diary sum his romantic as good as earthy march as he attempts to cope with his HIV diagnosis as good as successive conflict with AIDS. Mentions of his absent family as good as strenuous feelings of lonesomeness as good as despondency visit a pages of his diary. In a apart apportionment of a diary, he dictates his final will as good as testament.

Through a march of Casale's diary, it is transparent which nothing of his family as good as friends yield him with a romantic await he needs. In a following pages, Casale longs to lapse home as good as reflects upon a significance of family to him

Joseph J. Casale, Jr. Diary Transcription, Undated

Who ever new, we consider we live right. Mostly (you think) don't harm people upon purpouse or steel from friends or distortion to there face, so why. So churned up —

Everything seems so Fake – Family, Doc's, Roomate. we feel identical to there all usually watchful for aged Joey to die, get him out of a hair. But what did we ask for. Not income or things identical to that. Just Love. to be hold + told which as good as have it meant something, Really meant something. No usually adore ya (over a phone). (Pam my niece is a usually a single who unequivocally cares. But for her benefit would fall short her life. You see her father wouldnt even shake up my palm [illegible]).

[Aside in a margins]: "Comment" You'll know if [Pam's husband] does he competence spin happy or die of aids. [Illegible] work, asshole.

Oh God we usually instruct to be home. home is where a heart has regularly been since of my family. we left home since we longed for to turn a millionaire as good as come home as good as take caring of Everyones needs. That's usually how we thought. I'll be rich, as good as so would my family.

But there not even amatory sufficient to ask me home. Noone even asked me home. if they usually would of ask me to come home. even if we didn't, we would have died to be asked. But who, my own Father (sure he Loves me, though not a adore we get from a father which has a true son – Im deseased, we am gay. What can we say? Well may be not happy though we identical to organisation mostly, [crossed out] though we additionally adore women. You insist it. I've attempted for 40 years. we still longed for a family my own kids. we adore Kids (witch Ill never see) And we ultimate a lot of pleasing women, magician would be means to hoop which easy, Because they have a little of a same feeling we do + cant explain. Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit. Its all turns out

Joseph J. Casale, Jr. Diary Transcription, Undated
Faced with a fulfilment of his own imminent death, Casale remade a behind pages of his diary in to a final will as good as testament. In a will, he bequeaths his possessions, identical to a TV as good as VCR, to family as good as friends.

Joseph J. Casale, Jr. Diary Transcription, Undated


[Written in blue ink, rsther than than black] Chapter 1 Family + Feeling.

[Black ink] we Joseph J. Casale Jr. of receptive to advice thoughts + Body* – Pegeith – (give) a Folllowing.
The pages have been Backwards for a reason.

*(Don't know how to spell it, oh well)


Lg TV 32" in My Room + stereo (LETTER)

1 ct. Diamond Ring Pava – all Diamonds + 44 gi. Lg Mens Bracelet. –


Susan –
(A Letter. -)
T.V. Peters Room + VCR

Peter. Letter
New TV in Family Room.
Lg Gold Chain Necklaces

Gun Collect

Pill Bottles.
To fight a suffering of his HIV/AIDS symptoms, Casale takes multiform medications daily, together with Tylox as good as morphine, which work to conceal signals of pain. The tablet bottles displayed have been identical to ones Casale would have used.

Mable Mildred Galt Diary, 1911.
Mable Mildred Galt, innate to Christian missionaries in China in 1900, began her career as a diarist in 1911 when she perceived this diary as a birthday present. In it she sum her practice flourishing up in a enlightenment which was unknown to a adults in her life, as good as spasmodic hostile.

Mable Mildred Galt Audiotape.
Decades later, Mable Mildred Galt Raible would jot down recollections of her time outlayed flourishing up in China onto this tape.

Chinese Fan.
This Chinese air blower belonged to Mable's mother, Louise West Galt, who in serve to gripping a baby book for her daughter, was additionally a diarist in her own right. Her diary detailing a Galt family's knowledge during a Boxer Rebellion is additionally housed in Swem Library's Special Collections Research Center.

Photograph, circa 1915-1919.
This sketch was found in between a pages of a diary Galt kept from 1915-1919.

Diploma, 1923.
Mable Galt warranted her diploma from Smith College in 1923.

Notebook, 1923.
This cover was kept by Mable Galt during her time during Smith College in 1923. She complicated healing amicable work whilst there, as good as after enrolled in Smith's School for Social Work.

Mable Mildred Galt Raible Diary, 1965-1969.
Mable Mildred Galt Raible kept this diary from 1965-1969. It contains records from a harangue during her alma mater, Smith College.

Guest Book, 1960-1979.
This guest book was kept by Mable Mildred Galt Raible as good as her father Robert from 1960-1979. This is a ultimate square of Mable Galt Raible's personal skill in a Special Collections Research Center which has a decisive date attached.

Manuscript, Undated.
One page of a publishing Mable Mildred Galt Raible was operative upon in her after life. The work focuses upon a series of issues Mable, a amicable worker, would have encountered in her veteran life.

From a Special Collections Research Center, Earl Gregg Swem Library during a College of William as good as Mary. See for serve report as good as assistance. Legitimate work during home event to consequence income during home. Work during home report guides we upon how to work as healing transcriptionist during home.
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